The New Greenway Storymap Will Blow Your Socks Off

The EQGW Design Team has done it again, creating an amazing story-map of one of the most important pieces of infrastructure in our neighborhood.

The story map is an engaging way to learn about the greenway history, visualize the entire route, and understand how to safely travel along it. The story map is meant to be explored, so click here and see for yourself:

This amazing visualization was created by the EQGW Design Team: Tal Fuerst, Sharvari Raje, Kunal Mokasdar, and Einat Lubliner. Under the direction of Sagi Golan, this team had also created the physical maps that our volunteers have been handing out along the greenway.

We can’t thank this team enough for bringing greenway visualization to levels we never imagined. Many people we speak to along the greenway don’t know the entire route and lack of wayfinding is the top concern we hear. The EQGW Design team listened to those needs and addressed them in ways we never thought possible. We truly appreciate their effort in helping the community connect with its parkland. Thank you.

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